Kokoro Recipe: Nigerian Snacks


Kokoro recipe korokoro a Nigerian snacks for all
Thick Kokoro (korokoro)… Crunchy Corn meal snack

Kokoro is a rodlike shaped crunchy Nigerian snack ,popular in some parts of Nigeria. It is made with corn meal/corn flour and usually sold  by street hawkers...yummy!….reminiscing the good old childhood days :)). And here’s the recipe for kokoro..Enjoy 🙂 .

Ingredients for Kokoro (Hausa Masa)

*1 cup corn flour/corn meal( the coarse type).. 

(this is not the corn starch used for for making Pap)
*2 tablespoonful of sugar

*A pinch of grated Ginger(optional)
*A pinch of Chili Pepper (optional)

*A pinch of Salt

*Oil for frying

Kokoro Making Directions

*In a small bowl, add half cup of the cornmeal, sugar, pepper, salt and grated ginger. Mix thoroughly and set aside

* Pour half cup of water into a pot, leave to boil and then add the mixed corn meal, stir continuously until you get a stretchy mix that looks just like Eba (you would notice the change in the mixture) .

See also  Nigerian Cake Recipe (original recipe)

* Place the corn meal in a big bowl, cover and leave to cool completely

* When it is cooled, add the remaining cornmeal and knead until smooth.

* Take a little portion  and roll in between your palm, you can also roll it on a flat table to get a longer shape.Repeat this process for the remaining dough.

* Now heat up some vegetable oil until hot and fry the rods shaped dough until it hardens.

*Remove the Kokoro and place on sieve lines with paper towels, to remove excess oil.Leave to cool and ENJOY!

Kokoro can be eaten as a snack on it own or with soft drinks, fruit juices , kunnu or zobo .


 Other related recipes :
 * Nigerian Chin Chin recipe
* Nigerian Chicken Pie
* Nigerian Sausage Rolls
* Nigerian Egg Roll
* Nigerian Scotch Eggs
*Nigerian Fish Rolls
*Nigerian Fish Pie Recipe
*Nigerian Meat Pie
*Nigerian Buns
*Nigerian Puff puff

by Nky Lily Lete


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  1. Uc gabriel
    October 21, 2021 / 2:12 am

    I learnt a lot here

  2. Jade
    October 25, 2020 / 10:29 pm

    How long do they last?

  3. Mary
    May 20, 2020 / 5:18 pm

    Thanks for the recipe.

  4. Chinice Ashi
    August 25, 2019 / 10:18 pm

    Pls where can I buy kokoro in much quantity, I’m in Abuja now or call me 08135033329 thanks

  5. Unknown
    September 26, 2018 / 5:47 am

    Excuse me,please I need an urgent response

  6. Unknown
    September 26, 2018 / 5:45 am

    hello,I tried mine but its no more crunchy after a while.Am I to stir with the boiled water on heat or on the floor

  7. Unknown
    September 26, 2018 / 5:26 am

    Hy,I tried making the kokoro but after some while,its becoming tender.What could be the cause if I may ask

  8. Anonymous
    October 10, 2017 / 1:46 pm

    Enter your comment…what if the cornmeal has been grinded smoothly, will the outcome still be ok

  9. prince emerue
    July 3, 2017 / 1:38 am

    Hi i tried it but mine is a little bit hollow inside what could be the cause?

  10. prince emerue
    July 3, 2017 / 1:32 am

    Hi i tried it but mine is a little bit hollow inside what could be the cause?

  11. Oloruntoba Agunsoye
    May 21, 2017 / 12:07 am

    hello nikky, i'm a bit confuse, the corn flour is it the same as the one used in kneading fondant? or its dried corn sold in market in which I can grind it smooth?

  12. Opara Maxwell
    March 19, 2017 / 2:57 am

    I just got a business idea.poverty is over ks

  13. Anonymous
    June 19, 2016 / 8:34 pm

    Thanks for this recipe, I've been looking for it for it. I will definitely make it this week

  14. Oluwatosin Olojede-James
    June 1, 2016 / 1:31 pm

    Hello Nky, so to get the cornmeal, I should just grind dry corn coarsely? Which type of corn is better? Yellow or White?

    • Nky Lily Lete
      June 2, 2016 / 9:46 pm

      Yes Oluwatosin.You can use any color , but the yellow one is usualy preferred for this type of kokoro.

  15. Oluwatosin Olojede-James
    June 1, 2016 / 1:29 pm

    Hello Nky Thanks for the recipe. Just confirming, so to make the cornmeal, I should just grind dry corn? Which type of corn is best, is it yellow or white corn?

  16. Timmie
    April 18, 2016 / 1:10 pm

    I just tried it now. My husband is a Togolese, the availability of the corn meal encouraged me.I am now enjoying the feel of Kokoro on my bed. It tastes great.Thanks for sharing the recipe!#HappyResourcefulWife

    • Nky Lily Lete
      June 2, 2016 / 9:49 pm

      You,re so welcome Timmie, I'm glad to be of help 🙂

  17. Freda Nwokobia - Simon
    November 3, 2015 / 3:30 pm

    you're doing a great job. please go through your instructions, the part that read "when it is cooled add the remaining corn meal" explain that very well cos following your writeup,i don't see where you remained the cornmeal when you were stirring it on the fire. Thanks

    • Nky Lily Lete
      November 4, 2015 / 12:03 pm

      Hi Freda, the 1st line said ''In a small bowl, add HALF cup of the cornmeal,..Do you see it now dearie 🙂

  18. Lammyz Joy
    October 6, 2015 / 8:49 am

    Wow this this this this what you recipes for kokoro egba

  19. oyinda omolara
    March 5, 2015 / 6:41 pm

    Can garri be added too?

    • Nky Lily Lete
      March 9, 2015 / 3:14 pm

      Some people add it too.

  20. oyinda omolara
    March 5, 2015 / 6:40 pm

    Can garri be added too?

  21. Anonymous
    July 15, 2014 / 11:10 am

    Pls can I use corn flour and salt alone

    • Nky Lily Lete
      August 5, 2014 / 3:31 pm

      Yes you can.

  22. Anonymous
    March 25, 2014 / 2:08 pm

    pls what type of corn is used if not the one for making pap

    • Nky Lily Lete
      March 29, 2014 / 11:03 pm

      It's the same corn dear, just that you only use the starch of the corn for pap. Corn meal is made from grinding the whole corn.