How to make yogurt -Liquid yogurt with milk powder

Making yogurt at home is as simple as it can be;

and also incredible rich , creamy and tasty.

homemade yogurt liquid yogurt curd dali
Homemade Liquid yogurt – drinkable yogurt

If you have tried out these two yogurt recipes in my previous post, then you already know how easy it is to make yogurt at home with milk powder and also how rich and tasty it is.
And for our new friends , welcome on board. Believe me , you won’t ever want to buy yougurt from the stores or street vendors ever again once you have tried and tasted this authentic homemade yogurt recipes.

In my previous posts, I showed you how to make thick yogurt with milk powder or powdered milk, and also how to always have yogurt starter to make yogurt anytime.

But today we are going to be making liquid yogurt; the type you drink straight from the bottle, with a straw or if you’re fancy, with a glass cup. Yassss, that one!

It’s actually quite easy and NO FAIL! So here’s how I prepare my homemade liquid yogurt with just 3 to 4 ingredients you already have in your kitchen pantry.

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making nigerian yogurt

Ingredients for liquid yogurt
2 cups(250ml) lukewarm water
6 TBSP milk powder
60 grm (4 TBSP) Natural yogurt( SEE THIS VIDEO FOR HOW TO MAKE IT)
40 grams(3 1/4 TBSP) sugar/sweetener(optional)

If using liquid milk
2 1/2 cups whole milk
60 grm (4 TBSP) Natural yogurt
40 grams(3 1/4 TBSP) sugar/sweetener(optional)


1. Pour 2 cups(250ml) of lukewarm water into a saucepan and mix in the 6 tablespoonful milk powder.

If you’re making use of whole milk simply pour 2 1/2 cups of that into a saucepan(don’t add water if using whole milk)

2. We’ll also be adding about 3 tablespoons sugar or any sweetener of choice, but feel free to omit it if you want a natural yogurt and mix until combined.

Now we’ll let the mixture heat up until it is just about to boil

The heating helps to sterilize the milk and kill any harmful pathogen

3. So now, we’ll take the milk out of the heat and let it cool to about 44ºC(hot enough that you can deep a finger without getting burnt)

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4. The next step is to Mix in 4 tablespoons natural yogurt until well combined

5. Carefully pour the mixture into a container of choice and seal tightly.
(just for convenience in the video I chose to leave mine in the pot)

I also took an extra step and covered it with a huge warm blanket you can aslo seal with a clean plastic bag or foil paper

6. Finally Place anywhere around your house that gets a little heat or in a
warm oven or a food/thermo flask – because this yogurt need to stay pretty warm and undisturbed for 6 hrs so that it can set properly but don’t expose it to a high heat or it will turn out grainy

7. After 6 to 8 hrs you’ll have a slightly thick but runny yogurt, all you need do is stir it properly to make it as runny as the consisitency you desire

Note: you can save some and use it to start off a new batch , no need to buy yogurt at the stores again.

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Serve and Enjoy!

homemade yogurt liquid yogurt curd dali

How to make yogurt at home- liquid yougurt with milk powder

Making yogurt at home is as simple as it can be;

and also incredible rich , creamy and tasty.


  • Ingredients for liquid yogurt
  • 2 cups(250ml) lukewarm water
  • 6 TBSP milk powder
  • 60 grm (4 TBSP) Natural yogurt
  • 40 grams(3 1/4 TBSP) sugar/sweetener(optional)
  • If using liquid milk
  • 2 1/2 cups whole milk
  • 60 grm (4 TBSP) Natural yogurt
  • 40 grams(3 1/4 TBSP) sugar/sweetener(optional)


    1. Pour 2 cups(250ml) of lukewarm water into a saucepan and mix in the 6 tablespoonful milk powder.

    If you're making use of whole milk simply pour 2 1/2 cups of that into a saucepan(don't add water if using whole milk)

    2. We'll also be adding about 3 tablespoons sugar or any sweetener of choice, but feel free to omit it if you want a natural yogurt and mix until combined.

    Now we'll let the mixture heat up until it is just about to boil

    The heating helps to sterilize the milk and kill any harmful pathogen

    3. So now, we'll take the milk out of the heat and let it cool to about 44ºC(hot enough that you can deep a finger without getting burnt)

    4. The next step is to Mix in 4 tablespoons natural yogurt until well combined

    5. Carefully pour the mixture into a container of choice and seal tightly.
    (just for convenience in the video I chose to leave mine in the pot)

    I also took an extra step and covered it with a huge warm blanket you can aslo seal with a clean plastic bag or foil paper

    6. Finally Place anywhere around your house that gets a little heat or in a warm oven or a food/thermo flask - because this yogurt need to stay pretty warm and undisturbed for 6 hrs so that it can set properly but don't expose it to a high heat or it will turn out grainy

    7. After 6 to 8hrs you'll have a slightly thick but runny yogurt, all you need do is stir it properly to make it as runny as the consisitency you desire


You can save some and use it to start off a new batch , no need to buy yogurt at the stores again.



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  1. Sururu Ahmad
    November 10, 2022 / 3:29 pm

    Thanks for your wonderful work.

  2. Ajayi Yemi
    October 21, 2021 / 5:04 pm

    Thank. Please is natural yogurt same as startar?

  3. August 21, 2021 / 6:09 pm

    Pls madam Nky how can I get natural yughort or can I use nunu sold by d fulanis as natural yughort

  4. Fausat folake
    August 21, 2021 / 6:03 pm

    Pls madam Nky how can one get d natural yughort or is it d nunu sales by d fulanis dat is natural yughort?pls

  5. Tina
    June 29, 2021 / 1:41 pm

    Youbare such an amazing teacher…seriouly I enjoy reading you post.well done mma…i want to know can I use this recipe for commercial ones

    • July 2, 2021 / 12:52 pm

      Thank you so much Tina
      you can use it for comercial purposes
      but you’ll have to preserve it well
      or use a food preservative to increase its shelf life

  6. Bossom
    March 4, 2021 / 2:56 am

    If I don’t get natural yogurt

    • March 4, 2021 / 10:59 am

      Hello, there is another recipe to make yogurt without
      natural yogurt and I will have it up soon.
      But for this you only need a little store bought yogurt as your culture
      then after that you don’t have to buy any yogurt again.
      Because your own homemade yogurt can serve as a culture