How to Boil ”Non-soggy” White Rice for Nigerian Stews and Sauces

Boiled white rice, How to Boil ''Non-soggy'' White Rice for Nigerian Stews and Sauces, nigerian food tv
Boiled White Rice

We Nigerians are known for our love for Rice.

Be it Jollof rice, Fried Rice, Concoction Rice, Rice and beans, or plain White Rice with stew or sauce.

Nigerians just love rice and I bet you’ll agree with me that fried rice and party jollof  rice are more appealing to the eyes, if the rice grains are separated, ”non-sticky”, non-soggy” or one-one”(as we say it locally).

So, if you’ve never gotten it right, here’s a no-fail method I use.

You’ll need:

– 500 gram long grain white Rice

– 800 ml water ( to parboil the rice)

– 600 ml water ( to cook the rice )

– 1 teaspoon Salt (optional)


Parboil the Rice 

– First, place the clean white rice in a pot.
– Pour  in the 800ml water and leave to boil. The water should completely cover the rice (twice the level of the rice is ok).
 – When the water in the rice begins to boil and you notice the whitish (starchy contents) coming out of the rice,put of the heat.- Now,
run some cold water into the pot, stir thoroughly and pour the rice into a big sieve
or colander.
Pour the rice back into the pot and repeat the process(that is,run more
cold water and transfer to sieve).
This process helps to rinse off the
excess starch in the rice
Tip: You can also scrub the rice with your hands if you bought the rice at the local market– Leave the rice in the sieve to strain out the remaining water.

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At this stage, what you have is a ”parboiled rice”, which can be used for preparing jollof rice, fried rice or Coconut rice.– Now, pour the 600ml of water into a pot and let it boil, until it starts to bubble.
Pour in the parboiled Rice and salt, mix thoroughly and leave to boil on medium heat, until the rice is done cooking.
Tip: the trick is to make sure that the water in the pot is very hot and at the same level as the rice.

The rice should be tender without becoming soggy.
If the rice is still hard after the water has dried up, add just a little water and simmer on low, until done.

Boiled white rice, How to Boil ''Non-soggy'' White Rice for Nigerian Stews and Sauces, nigerian food tv

Finally, serve and enjoy with any, stew or sauce of choice.
Click on the links to see how to make ”non- gumy gumy jollof rice and Fried rice

Below are some sauces/stews to go with your white rice.

See also  Dodo Gizzard / Gizdodo Recipe (Gizzards and Plantains)

* Ofada stew (a.k.a Ayamase)

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Nigerian Pepper Sauce

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* Coconut Curry Sauce (gravy) with Chicken &Vegetables

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* Nigerian Mixed Vegetable Sauce 

* Nigerian Beef Stew

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 * Ofe Akwu : Igbo-style Banga Stew/Soup

*   Nigerian Chicken Stew

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   Obe Ata Dindin (buka stew) : Nigerian Fried Pepper Stew

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Nigerian Tomato Stew for Jollof Rice &Coconut Rice (Vegan Stew)

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*     Nigerian Fish Stew (Obe Eja Tutu) 

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Related Recipes 

* All Rice Recipes

* Nigerian Fried Rice 

* Nigerian Egg Fried Rice

* Nigerian Coconut Rice

* Nigerian Rice and Beans

Nigerian Party Jollof Rice

By Nky Lily Lete

Please leave your comments, doubts, questions and success stories  below 
☺Bon Appetit


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  1. Missi ali
    October 18, 2019 / 3:11 pm

    Thanks alot! I just used it right now.

  2. Unknown
    November 30, 2017 / 8:55 am

    Will def try this. Im South african & have always struggled to cook white rice perfectly:(. No matter what i do i end up with soggy rice, my only saving grace is the rice cooker. Otherwise My ghanaian husband always has to do it *hides*

  3. Anonymous
    July 25, 2014 / 12:32 pm

    This worked like magic, best white rice ever using this method, especially with the trick of allowing the water in the pot to boil before adding the parboiled rice. thanks a bunch.

    • Nky Lily Lete
      August 5, 2014 / 4:56 pm

      You're welcome dearie 🙂

  4. Anonymous
    July 2, 2014 / 11:37 am

    This might look easy, but it is a big problem for a lot of people. Thanks for this

    • Nky Lily Lete
      July 3, 2014 / 10:10 pm

      Exactly dearie, an easy task for one person might be a big headache for another. I'm always glad to be of help 🙂

  5. Girl in Need
    July 2, 2014 / 11:00 am

    Hi Nky, like I told you in the email, I have been cooking for 2 years now and my rice has always been soggy. I used to blame it on the rice, but finally I accepted that I just wasn't doing it right and was also too shy to ask my friends to teach me.Thanks for these wonderful tip, and more thanks for coming to my aid and answering my email. God bless you.

    • Nky Lily Lete
      July 3, 2014 / 10:07 pm

      You are so welcome dearie. God bless you too 🙂