Homemade Peanut Butter(groundnut butter)

Homemade Peanut Butter is so easy to make and does not contain any additives or preservatives. 

It is also a good source of protein, carbohydrates and good fat, and enjoyed by kids and adults as well.

Peanut Butter serves as a yummy spread for bread and can be used in cookie recipes and other delicious snacks.

If you’ve never made Homemade Peanut Butter from scratch, I challenge you to try out this easy method, you’ll be glad you did.

-500grams roasted Peanut or groundnut

– 1 pinch of  salt( optional)

– 2 teaspoons sugar(optional, but makes it sweeter)

– 2 teaspoons Peanut or vegetable oil(for lighter consistency)

Note: All you really need for making all-natural peanut butter is ONLY peanut (groundnut), but a some people like it sweeter and of lighter consistency, that’s why I provided the other ingredients. 
Simply, leave out the extra ingredients if you like it all-natural.


1. Peel off the skin of the roasted Peanut or groundnut by rubbing in between your palms.

2. Pour the skinless Peanut or groundnut into a strong blender and blend  for one minute.
 Tip: If you’re using a weak blender, you’ll have to work in small batches.

3.  Scrape down the nuts on the sides of the blender and blend again for 2 minutes, continue blending until it goes from crushed Peanut or groundnut, to a fine powder, then to a thick paste and finally to a big peanut butter dough.
 Tip: the peanut butter is ready to use at this stage, but if you want it a bit runny and sweet, you can go ahead with the next step.

See also  Nigerian Cake Recipe (original recipe)

4.  Add the oil, sugar and salt and continue blending to form a smooth runny peanut butter spread.
 Pour into a clean container and use as desired or store in the fridge.

** Click to See how to make this Peanut/groundnut biscuits below **

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  1. Nuella
    June 5, 2023 / 6:58 pm

    This page was nice and helpful
    I really love your cooking skills
    But is they any video attached

  2. Christalyn.
    August 25, 2022 / 8:51 pm

    I loooove ur recipe. It’s so so simple. But can I pound instead of blending?

  3. DivineGrace
    August 27, 2021 / 12:01 am

    Wow thanks so much you really made it easy
    Thank you for sharing 🥰🥰

  4. Oluwatosin
    July 9, 2021 / 11:30 pm

    Thanks so much for the wonderful tips!

  5. Beez
    September 26, 2017 / 7:32 pm

    thank you so much. You really made it easy.

  6. Anonymous
    June 5, 2017 / 8:27 am

    Enter your comment…God bless u dear

  7. Thelma
    May 31, 2017 / 4:13 pm

    Thanks so much for all the wonderful recipe.. God bless u. pls is it the dry part of the blender or the wet part is to be used for blending the peanuts?

  8. kassy
    September 5, 2016 / 6:52 pm

    pls can u share d recipes and method of making ice cream cake

  9. Anonymous
    April 24, 2016 / 10:38 pm

    Pls how long can this last.since no preservatives added?

  10. Unknown
    March 23, 2016 / 1:57 pm

    Please, are i to add water to groudnut if i want to blend it?

  11. Cyn
    December 31, 2015 / 10:52 am

    Hmmm. I love what you're doing here. I feel I can do wonders in my kitchen with your posts. Keep up the work dear.

    • Nky Lily Lete
      December 31, 2015 / 2:01 pm

      Thanks a lot, Cyn 🙂

      • November 15, 2021 / 8:20 am

        Pls, i want to be processing peanut butter for sale, how will go about it?

  12. Tian
    August 26, 2015 / 8:58 am

    Your posts have always been very helpful, thank you.

    • Nky Lily Lete
      September 1, 2015 / 5:58 am

      you're welcome hun 🙂

  13. Anonymous
    July 29, 2015 / 2:18 pm

    Send me process for making burns

  14. Efficient Ignatius
    April 26, 2015 / 11:59 am

    You're simply wonderful my dear.

    • Nky Lily Lete
      April 27, 2015 / 9:24 am

      thanks hun 🙂

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