How to Cook Nigerian Egusi Soup with bitter leaf (Ofe Egusi/Obe Efo Elegusi)

how to cook nigerian egusi soup with bitter leaf, obe efo elugusi ,ofe egusi
Nigerian Egusi Soup with bitter leaf | Obe Efo Elegusi

  Egusi Soup is a Nigerian Soup which is made with melon seeds and enriched with spices and vegetables. 
 It can be prepared with leafy vegetables, such as ugwu(fluted pumpkin leaves), bitter leaf, spinach and the likes.  
 Below is my grandma’s favorite, a recipe prepared with bitter leaf.
Ingredients for the  Egusi Soup (a.k.a Ofe Egusi / Obe Efo Elegusi)

  • 3 medium cups Egusi Seeds(melon seeds)
  • Assorted meat (shaki, cow meat, goat meat , turkey meat, chicken, pork meat etc)
  • Assorted dry fish of choice (stockfish etc)
  • Dried Prawns (optional)
  • Red Palm Oil: 2 cooking/serving spoons
  • 1 tablespoonful ground Crayfish
  • Bitter leaf(as desired)
  • Ugu/Spinach(3 handful)
  • 2 seasoning cubes
  • Pepper (to taste)
  • Salt (to taste)

Cooking directions for Egusi soup

a. Boil the assorted meat and stock fish, with chopped onions, one seasoning cube and salt to taste.
Cook until tender and set aside for later use.

See also  How to Cook Okazi Soup (Ukazi Soup)

b. Clean the dried prawns by separating the heads&tails from the center.
 Grind the heads&tails and set aside to use in the soup. Then soak the center in hot water , to soften and clean it.

c. Grind the egusi seeds until smooth and then dissolve with lukewarm water to form a paste.

Now to cook the Egusi Soup

1. Heat up the palm oil until hot, add diced onions and the dissolved egusi. Fry for about 20 minutes, stirring constantly until it thickens.

2. Add the bitter leaf and a little water or the meat stock. Add the prawns and leave to simmer for 5 minutes

3. Now add the cooked meat and stock fish. Add the ground prawns(or crayfish), ground pepper and
seasoning cubes. Boil for 15 minutes.

 4. Add the sliced spinach leaves and simmer for 5 minutes and the soup is ready.

++Check out our classic Egusi soup recipe++

How to Cook Nigerian Egusi Soup with bitter leaf (Ofe Egusi/Obe Efo Elegusi)

Other Related Recipes

See also  How to Bake Cake Without an Oven and on a Stove top

* Bitter leaf Soup (Ofe Onugbu) 
* Nigerian Beef Stew
* Banga Soup : Urhobo Isoko Banga Soup Recipe
* Nigerian Chicken Stew
* How to Cook Okazi Soup (Ukazi Soup)
* Obe Ata Dindin : Nigerian Fried Pepper Stew
* How to Cook Edikang Ikong Soup 
* Nigerian Tomato Stew(Vegan Stew)
* How to Cook Afang Soup
* Nigerian Pepper Soup
* Nigerian Ogbono Soup :How to Cook Ogbono  Soup
* Nigerian Fish Stew (Obe Eja Tutu) 
* How to Cook Nigerian Egusi Soup(Ofe Egusi/Obe Efo Elegusi)


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  1. Whitney ibe
    September 1, 2018 / 8:52 am

    Dear Nicky, thank you for this. I just prepared the soup now and instead of bread and tea my family used to have for breakfast, they opted for eba and egusi soup. Now, I have to worry about them finishing my soup before tomorrow. Lol..

  2. Anonymous
    February 18, 2018 / 9:01 pm

    Do they don't put pepper in Egusi soup.

    January 8, 2018 / 5:33 pm

    name treasure.. aunty nky….please how do l become a blogger…it has been my dreams

  4. Anonymous
    August 2, 2017 / 9:34 am

    Enter your comment… Good job dear

    June 13, 2016 / 11:42 am

    mehn it test great

  6. stanley udeh
    January 26, 2016 / 9:41 am

    Must you add spinach and mist you fry the egusi, I don't like fried dishes

  7. Anonymous
    July 25, 2015 / 11:26 am

    Hi Nky am thinking of cooking it just as you said and I know it will turn out great . I will definitely give you a feedback

    • Nky Lily Lete
      August 1, 2015 / 2:33 pm

      I trust it will and I'll be expecting your feedback 🙂

  8. Anonymous
    July 7, 2015 / 6:45 pm

    Your work is great and am impressed but don't u have an app to make it easier.

    • Nky Lily Lete
      August 1, 2015 / 2:31 pm

      Yes, the app will soon be ready for download, thanks for asking 🙂

  9. betty ventures bead
    June 12, 2015 / 3:39 pm

    Try it today and it was great, thanks alot

    • Nky Lily Lete
      June 12, 2015 / 5:18 pm

      You're welcome .

  10. Anonymous
    May 22, 2015 / 5:56 am

    Egusi is a unique soup handed down by our mothers, and the way Nky prepared it is the original and natural version. People who add fresh tomatoes only do that by choice, but the original, best-tasting egusi soup has nothing to do with fresh tomatoes.

    • Nky Lily Lete
      May 22, 2015 / 10:29 am

      Thanks dearie 🙂

  11. Anonymous
    March 12, 2015 / 12:08 pm

    U did not add fresh tomatoes

    • Nky Lily Lete
      May 22, 2015 / 10:28 am

      I don't use tomatoes in mine, but feel free to add if you want to.

  12. Anonymous
    March 8, 2015 / 1:24 pm

    Pls how can I prepare potatoes, am I to peal or leave like that to cook. Please tell me

    • Nky Lily Lete
      March 9, 2015 / 2:56 pm

      Peel after cooking if you are cooking it alone in water, but if you are adding it to porridge, peel before you cook it.

  13. Anonymous
    January 26, 2015 / 1:17 am

    Thanks nky, actually it was my aunty that gave me your blog, I've been using it for the past few days and really helpful.I see progress in my cooking.this receipe for efo egusi is the best .More power in Jesus name.

    • Nky Lily Lete
      January 27, 2015 / 11:54 am

      Thanks for your lovely comment and pls give your aunty a big hug on my behalf. I'm so glad the recipes have been of great help to you. Keep me updated on your progress.

  14. Anonymous
    October 6, 2014 / 4:40 pm

    My wife is down so am going to cook now with this recipe.I'll tell you how it went.

    • Nky Lily Lete
      October 14, 2014 / 11:57 am

      I'll be expecting your feedback dearie, I wish your wife a speedy recovery.

  15. Pascal Martins
    September 25, 2014 / 8:53 pm

    Can't get palm oil what do I use in place of it. Not available in my location.

    • Nky Lily Lete
      September 29, 2014 / 9:29 am

      No oil can replace the unique taste of palm oil, but you can make use of ''red stew oil'' (oil you get after frying your stew), or use vegetable oil and tomatoes, to get colour.

  16. Anonymous
    August 5, 2014 / 12:18 pm

    At first i couldnt cook egusi soup,n i tried it ,wow its lovely ,thanks

    • Nky Lily Lete
      August 9, 2014 / 8:08 am

      Thanks for your lovely feedback, I'm so glad to be of help 🙂

  17. Anonymous
    July 11, 2014 / 1:52 pm

    Tried it 4 the first time,hubby loved it so much,thank u for year help

    • Nky Lily Lete
      July 16, 2014 / 2:02 pm

      You're welcome dearie,I'm glad your hubby enjoyed it 🙂

  18. Anonymous
    June 25, 2014 / 6:46 pm

    wow i just made the soup now and men its so sweet.thanks somuch

    • Nky Lily Lete
      June 30, 2014 / 8:47 am

      You're welcome,thanks for your lovely feedback 🙂

  19. Anonymous
    May 21, 2014 / 8:38 am

    Dear Nky, thanks for this,i tried it yesterday, honestly my husband has never used his finger to wash plate like he did yesterday. thank u am so grateful.

    • Nky Lily Lete
      May 21, 2014 / 11:53 pm

      Aww dear, this is the kind of comments that make my day. Thanks for your lovely feedback. I'm so glad to be of help, I'm sure next time he'll buy you a new ride 🙂

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