Nigerian Mixed Vegetable Sauce (white sauce)

Nigerian Mixed Vegetable Sauce (white sauce), nigerian food tv, nigeian food recipes

I love to prepare this mixed vegetable sauce whenever I have excess vegetables from making either Shawarma or Nigerian salad;

This vegetable sauce is surely a healthier and richer alternative to the everyday tomato based  beef  or chicken stew .
It is loaded with vitamins and nutrients and contains most of the common vegetables you can get around you.

So, if you are yearning for a change from the regular, this sauce is what you need, and you don’t have to wait until you have leftover veggies before you try out this delicious mixed vegetable sauce.

Here’s how to prepare it.
Ingredients for the Mixed Vegetable Sauce

* 500g boneless Chicken breast or chicken drumsticks
* 4 Fresh Plum Tomatoes (the hard type Tomatoes)
* 6 medium Carrots
* 1  Onions bulb
* 1 spring onion(optional)
* 1 small Cabbage
* 3 medium sized Irish Potatoes
* 1 Green Bell Pepper
* 1 cooking spoon Vegetable Oil (optional because the chicken has natural oil)
*  1 tablespoonful thyme and curry
* 2 stock cubes(bouillon cube)
* Salt – to taste

See also  Afang Soup : The Popular Calabar Afang soup

Nigerian Mixed Vegetable Sauce (white sauce), nigerian food tv, nigeian food recipes


** First Wash and cut all the vegetables.
Scrape the carrots and cut into smaller pieces and chop the spring onions .
Cut the plum tomatoes and the bell pepper into smaller pieces.
Cut the cabbage into tiny pieces. Then set all aside.
** Wash and Peel the Irish potatoes,rinse and cut into tiny pieces(like cubes). Set aside

Cooking Directions

*Wash and cut the chicken into pieces. Place in a pot, add thyme, curry, chopped onions,one stock cube and salt.
Cook until the chicken is done. You might need to add a little water if the water dries up before the chicken is tender. Then transfer unto a plate.
Tip: If you are using a chicken part with bones,separate the meat from the bones.And set the meat aside for later use. 
 If you’ll rather not separate the meat, no problem! simply set aside on a plate, until needed.

*Pour the chicken stock into another pot(watch out for the chicken bones at the bottom)(you can pass the chicken stock through a sieve, to keep the tiny broken bones from entering the pot.)

See also  Beet juice drink to fight inflammation and high blood pressure

Add the vegetable oil,spring onions(If using), cabbage, chopped tomatoes, potatoes and one stock cube. Cover and cook for about 10-15 minutes.
 Tip: you can also add the carrots at this stage but I don’t like overcooked or very crunchy carrots, so I cut them very tiny and add them at the next step.

Nigerian Mixed Vegetable Sauce (white sauce), nigerian food tv, nigeian food recipes

  * After 15 minutes, you’ll notice that the cabbage is tender and the sauce is thicker due to the softened potatoes;
Then add the carrots,green bell pepper and the chicken. Add salt to taste and Leave to simmer for 5 minutes and the Mixed vegetable sauce is ready to be served.

This delicious sauce can be served alone as a meal for weight watchers, or with boiled rice, boiled yams, potatoes or plantains. Enjoy!

Nigerian Mixed Vegetable Sauce (white sauce), nigerian food tv, nigeian food recipes

Nigerian Mixed Vegetable Sauce (white sauce), nigerian food tv, nigeian food recipes

Other Related Recipes

* Bitter leaf Soup (Ofe Onugbu) 
* Nigerian Mixed Vegetable Sauce
* Nigerian Beef Stew
* Banga Soup : Urhobo Isoko Banga Soup Recipe
* Nigerian Chicken Stew
* How to Cook Okazi Soup (Ukazi Soup)
* Obe Ata Dindin : Nigerian Fried Pepper Stew
* How to Cook Edikang Ikong Soup
* Nigerian Tomato Stew(Vegan Stew)
* How to Cook Afang Soup
* Nigerian Pepper Soup
* Nigerian Ogbono Soup :How to Cook Ogbono  Soup
* Nigerian Fish Stew (Obe Eja Tutu) 
* How to Cook Nigerian Egusi Soup(Ofe Egusi/Obe Efo Elegusi)

See also  Tuwo Masara (Tuwon Masara)| Nigerian Corn meal

By Nky Lily Lete


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  1. Herdrine
    September 9, 2018 / 12:59 pm

    Woww great! Surprised but happy to see this on a Nigerian platform, this is a regular dish for Cameroonians but when I mention to Nigerians they hiss eww and make a face like it's shit whereas it them who are limited and unenlightened.Nice one NKY , in Cameroon we have more spices and our meals usually beat it all lol.

    • November 28, 2018 / 5:09 pm

      Hi Herdine, good to read your comment, maybe you met the wrong Nigerians (just
      Most Nigerians are open to new food, taste and flavors, especially if it looks at first sight.
      Nigerian and Cameroun do have a lot of food in common-
      Hope to see more of you around here. Thanks for the comment 🙂

  2. Aspire West Africa
    March 16, 2018 / 3:06 pm

    JCAm really impressed. Will try out this recipe. Well done

  3. Anonymous
    August 13, 2017 / 7:05 am

    Ma, thank you for your good work. Pls I want to prepare this sauce today and so I ask you, can I add normal pepper and green beans to my vegetable sauce?

    • Herdrine
      September 9, 2018 / 1:00 pm

      Yes you can.

  4. Anonymous
    May 31, 2017 / 2:19 am

    Pls incase I want to blend my potatoes do I do that after its been boiled or do I blend it raw? And does blending it change when I should put it?

  5. Ekemini Joshua
    December 1, 2016 / 6:23 am

    Thanks a lot sis! Am definitely going to try it. But how to get Irish potato is the problem. Pls where can I get it? Am in Uyo, Akwa Ibom. I've been seeing Hausa people selling potato, but I can't identify if it's irish. Pls how can I identify? And if I can't get Irish or corn flour, can I use any other potato?

    • Nky Lily Lete
      December 1, 2016 / 4:54 pm

      Hi Ekemini, it is that potato that hausa people carry on wheel barrow. That one that is used for salad.

  6. Anonymous
    July 22, 2016 / 6:46 am

    please incase i want to blend my potatoes when do i need to add it to the sauce

  7. Linda Vicky
    May 6, 2016 / 7:04 am

    Wow…. That's a lovely one, but please I see people using corn flour instead of the arish potatoes, when do I add it if I am to use corn flour. Thanks

  8. Anonymous
    February 12, 2016 / 9:18 pm

    Thanks for ur tips on how to cook ambrosia meals, it's quite simple nd clear. . . . . . . . . . . Please can i add crayfish?

  9. Anne
    December 30, 2015 / 11:41 pm

    Hi Lily, tnx for all of these wonderful recipes. please do you have a recipe for scent leaf (effirin) soup? tasted it a long time ago and liked it. i would like to make it myself. tnx and God bless your sweet soul

    • Nky Lily Lete
      January 9, 2016 / 9:01 pm

      Sure Anne, scent leaf (effirin) soup recipe coming soon .

  10. Anonymous
    September 1, 2015 / 9:33 pm

    you are really doing a good job.GOD bless u.pls i want to know how to make pepperoni pizza cos my husband likes it alot.can i get the recipe and how to make it.looking forward to it.may the good Lord continue to lift you up.thanks

    • Nky Lily Lete
      September 13, 2015 / 11:04 am

      Thanks hun, Pizza recipe coming soon 🙂

  11. Anonymous
    June 30, 2015 / 11:05 am

    Can I use fish instead of chicken or beef?

  12. Anonymous
    June 28, 2015 / 3:39 pm

    Thanks for sharing your recipe. Tried it and it came out nice. Healthy food.

    • Nky Lily Lete
      July 9, 2015 / 3:39 pm

      You're welcome hun 🙂

  13. Anonymous
    March 29, 2015 / 5:44 pm

    Pls Nky I need a recipe on hw 2 mk pancake….help me wit it because I want 2 surprise ma kidz 2morrow……tnk

  14. Odo Michael Crescent Chikaodili
    December 5, 2014 / 11:59 am

    Please can i use tomatoes for it or?

    • Nky Lily Lete
      December 6, 2014 / 1:55 pm

      You can add one large tomato if you want to.

  15. Anonymous
    November 24, 2014 / 9:20 am

    I was looking for this, and here it is. thank you.

    • Nky Lily Lete
      November 26, 2014 / 8:07 am

      You're welcome hun 🙂

  16. Lily
    November 20, 2014 / 3:47 pm

    Aww! You are such a darlyn…..just short of words…God bless you Lily

    • Nky Lily Lete
      November 26, 2014 / 8:14 am

      Thanks namesake 🙂

  17. Anonymous
    October 19, 2014 / 2:56 pm

    You're so good Lily. May God continue to bless you.

    • Nky Lily Lete
      October 23, 2014 / 9:07 am

      Thanks Hun, God bless you too 🙂

  18. Anonymous
    October 10, 2014 / 1:08 pm

    Thanks dear you are doing a great job here. I can't get Irish potatoes so can I use the normal flour? If yes please let me know and when do I add it. Thanks

    • Nky Lily Lete
      October 14, 2014 / 9:24 pm

      You can use corn starch (the type used for making pap) or potato starch, but if you don't have that you can use the normal flour, but you'll have to cook it separately by first dissolving in water and then pour into a pot, add a little oil and cook until the flour taste is gone, then add it into the sauce pot. Use the same quantity as the corn starch in the recipe.

  19. Anonymous
    August 9, 2014 / 7:02 pm

    lily u are sure a gift to the women of this generation……………… It has really opened my eyes to a lot of things. God will continually increase u in wisdom……………… Kisses to u

    • Nky Lily Lete
      August 11, 2014 / 9:22 am

      Thanks sweetie, I'm always glad to be of help 🙂

  20. Ruth Isibor
    July 30, 2014 / 6:56 pm

    Hi Nky, I got your website only yesterday from my aunt, and I must say I'm truly impressed and stunned, considering how much assistance u would have been to lots of woman like myself. Thanks for your works dear, and keep it going.

    • Nky Lily Lete
      August 8, 2014 / 1:36 pm

      Thanks Hun, I do the best I can :)I'm glad to have you here, my greetings to your aunt too.Do let me know if you need help with any recipe and I'm just a click away 🙂

  21. adenuga damilola
    June 25, 2014 / 1:30 pm

    Tnks just made it this afternoon it was really nice

    • Nky Lily Lete
      June 27, 2014 / 11:25 am

      Thanks for your lovely comment Dami, well appreciated 🙂

  22. becky
    June 23, 2014 / 3:08 pm

    I want, I wish I can eat it of the screen, looks really good, I must try it.

    • Nky Lily Lete
      June 25, 2014 / 9:22 am

      lol.. try it out becky, I'll be expecting your response.

  23. Anonymous
    June 23, 2014 / 3:07 pm

    I also have leftover vegetables after making salad, thanks for this wonderful recipes.Looks really yummy

    • Nky Lily Lete
      June 25, 2014 / 9:22 am

      You're welcome dearie 🙂

  24. Chioma
    June 22, 2014 / 12:59 am

    WOW WOW WOW.. now I have a recipe for sunday.

    • Nky Lily Lete
      June 23, 2014 / 8:32 am

      Let me know how it turns out Dearie 🙂

  25. Anonymous
    June 18, 2014 / 3:52 pm

    no photos for the white sauce

    • Nky Lily Lete
      June 21, 2014 / 11:53 pm

      Photos are up now 🙂

  26. Pauline IK
    June 10, 2014 / 4:14 pm

    Hello Nky,Thanks for your explanation:please, how about the use of corn flour as thickener? where can that come in? I would like my potatoes to still be visible, so i wouldn't want them semi-crushed (if possible). I have also heard that you can include boiled egg: is that ok? I also notice that the carrots in your recipe came in a little later- wont that make the carrots a bit too crunchy, considering that it'll simmer for only 5 minutes? Please your suggestions are most welcome thanks

    • Nky Lily Lete
      June 13, 2014 / 9:02 am

      Hi Pauline,You can add the corn flour after adding all the vegetables in the last step, but dilute in water, so that it is not lumpy. If you don't want to get semi crushed potatoes, add it at the same time as the carrots and cook until all vegetables are done to your taste. My carrots cook in 5 minutes, but if you want it very tender , you can cook for a longer period. Let me know how it turns out 🙂

  27. Anonymous
    May 28, 2014 / 12:31 pm

    So I guess its safe to lightly fry the vegetables before adding the chicken stock?

    • Nky Lily Lete
      May 31, 2014 / 5:23 pm

      Yes dear, You can lightly stir fry the veggies if you want to.

  28. chigozie madueke
    April 26, 2014 / 12:39 pm

    Can I use Turkey

    • Nky Lily Lete
      April 29, 2014 / 8:11 am

      Yes dear,you can use turkey 🙂

  29. onyilove
    March 28, 2014 / 6:42 am

    Thanks for all ur responds,u are doing a great job.mayb it's network dat made d ans not to come quickly.I wanted 2 make sometin differnt for him as he celebrated d birthday in school dis thursday but I didn't get d receip on time.but we wil mark it dis sunday @home so I wil make it @home.pls what is whipping heavy cream,how do I do it or where to get it.d fruit and d vanilla is it d one use in making cake?what is ounce of sweetned condensed milk.can I use evaporated milk if I didn't get condensed milk?thanks for evrytin.and am so so sory for all d bortering

    • Nky Lily Lete
      March 29, 2014 / 11:44 pm

      Onyi dear, you are not bothering at all 🙂 . You can check the big supermarkets , they usually have all these imported products. As for the milk dear, condensed milk is better.The vanilla is the same used for cakes. Let me know how it turns out.

  30. onyilove
    March 23, 2014 / 12:49 pm

    Tanx for all d ans,am grateful.pls where do u tink I can get d raisin from.Am in Nigeria,and d raisin is it like in what form,powedered form or what so dat wen I see it I wil can I make simple chocolate ice cream at home without an ice cream I use browning used in making cake for cholcolate ice cream.pls why I ask is dat u know cake is been bake.why for d home ice cream is jus blend and put in frezer.for d update how do I go about urgently bc I wil like d ice cream dis week thur for my litle nephew birthday

    • Nky Lily Lete
      March 27, 2014 / 6:48 pm

      Onyi love, sorry for the late response, hope the birthday is not gone yet. The raisin is the tiny black fruit you see in my pancake pictureAnd no, you can't use browning for the ice cream.For your homemade chocolate ice cream, You need 4 ingredients: 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla,1 cup of heavy whipping cream ,1 dark chocolate bar and 7 ounces of sweetened condensed milk.Melt the chocolate, leave to cool a bit and then add the heavy whipping cream, milk and vanilla. Whisk thoroughly , pour into a flat pan and freeze.Then scoop out and enjoy.

  31. onyilove
    March 22, 2014 / 9:39 pm

    Thanks for a job weldone.How did we use d potatoes as thicken for d sauce.

    • Nky Lily Lete
      March 23, 2014 / 11:48 am

      Onyi, you can choose to blend the cooked potatoes and add it to the sauce or use it just as it is in the recipe above.It would soften and thicken the sauce on its own.

    • Anonymous
      September 5, 2015 / 4:47 pm

      Wow this is wonderful great male

  32. ify
    February 6, 2014 / 7:59 pm

    Great!!! But U ddnt indicate when to add the chopped potatoes. Pls snd 2 my inbox. Am despratly 2 prepare ds sauce. [email protected]. Thanks

    • Nky Lily Lete
      February 7, 2014 / 8:14 am

      Hi Ify, it has been corrected dear, thanks for bringing it to my notice 🙂

    • Anonymous
      July 11, 2015 / 7:31 am

      Sis please I need curry soup ingredient, It somehow close to your coconut curry soup, please help!!!!!

  33. Anonymous
    November 8, 2013 / 5:56 pm

    Wow dis is so lovely.I'm happy I came across your blog.CH

    • Nky Lily Lete
      November 9, 2013 / 12:24 pm

      Thanks CH 🙂

  34. Anonymous
    October 12, 2013 / 11:22 am

    Can I use beef instead of chicken? If yes, will it turn out good

    • Nky Lily Lete
      October 13, 2013 / 4:58 pm

      Yes it would come out fine, but you need to cook the beef until it's really tender.