Nigerian Buns Recipe: How to Make Nigerian Buns

 How to Make Nigerian Buns Nigerian Buns Recipe                                                              Nigerian Buns

Nigerian Buns (Rock Buns ) is one of the popular snacks in Nigeria. It’s a bit crusty on the outside but fluffy inside.
It should not be confused with the Nigerian puff puff, which is softer and fluffier.

How to Make Nigerian Buns, Nigerian Buns
                                                                 Nigerian soft Buns with egg

Nigerian Buns is quite easy to make. Here’s an easy to follow recipe for you.. Enjoy!

Nigerian Buns (Nigerian Rock Buns) ingredients:

  • 250 g flour
  • 5 g  sugar- 1 level teaspoonful baking powder
  • 1 level teaspoonful salt
  • 1 egg(optional)
  • 150 ml Milk(or as needed to form a thick batter) ..You can use water as a substitute
  •  1 tablespoon Margarine(at room temp)(optional)
See also  Easy Tomato Smoothie (for great skin and detox)

Note: if you want the texture of the buns sold on the streets, then leave out the eggs and use water in place of milk. 
– You can leave out margarine if you want to.
– If you want your buns to come out round and perfect, you have to make a thicker batter , so that you can be able to mold it.


Nigerian Buns preparation:

1. In  a bowl, add the flour, sugar, baking powder, egg, salt, margarine and milk(or water).
To get a lighter consistency , you can use water . 
Mix thoroughly until the dough is smooth and stretchy.

Nigerian Buns Recipe:How to Make Nigerian Buns

Nigerian Buns Recipe:How to Make Nigerian Buns

2. Now cover and leave to rest for a few minutes.
Tip: If your batter is thicker, you can mold it into balls

3. Heat up the oil until moderately hot (the oil should not be smoking hot or the buns will just cook outside without doing the same inside).

See also  Nigerian Fried Plantain and Eggs (Dodo ati Eyin Dindin)

4. Scoop the batter or molded balls and drop into the hot oil .
Fry on medium heat for about 20 minutes, so that the inside of the buns will cook at the same rate as the outside of the buns.
Tip: When you drop the batter, it should sink to the bottom of the pot or pan. Just wait a few seconds and tilt it a bit with your spatula or spoon.

Nigerian Buns Recipe:How to Make Nigerian Buns

To fry the next batch, reduce the heat to low. This is because the oil is going to be too hot after the first batch.

5. The buns are ready when they are golden brown…Enjoy!

How to Make perfect Nigerian Buns

Perfect shaped Buns

Nigerian Buns Recipe, How to Make Nigerian Buns, Nigerian Buns
small buns (yr2012)

Nigerian Buns is usually eaten alone as a snack and is more enjoyable when taken with fruit juices, Zoborodo(Zobo), chapman, Kunun or any soft drink.

 Other related recipes :

See also  Nigerian Catfish Pepper Soup (point and kill)


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  1. Adesanya tolulope
    May 20, 2022 / 2:15 am

    Please I need to make buns very early but I Dont av baking powder what can I use as a substitute?

  2. Mansi Paul
    March 28, 2022 / 9:20 pm

    What quantity of Ingredients can I Put In 3 cups Of Flour

  3. Anonymous
    March 14, 2022 / 8:53 am

    Good morning ma I want 2 make 1 cup how many cups of water will i use

  4. Babyriddim
    December 2, 2021 / 6:01 pm

    Thanks for the recipe.. I want to make for sell..what can I omit?
    And is it OK to add enough baking powder to make it rise?

  5. September 15, 2021 / 2:15 am

    Good morning
    please i will like to make buns
    For two person
    What are the quantity of ingredient
    Am i to use ?

  6. September 15, 2021 / 2:14 am

    Good morning
    please i will like to make buns
    For two person
    What are the quantity of ingredient
    Am i to use ?

  7. Seyi
    August 31, 2021 / 4:17 pm

    Is warm water

  8. Mamadora
    May 26, 2021 / 2:18 pm

    I must say recipes are easy to follow..Thanks

  9. Neni Enoja
    March 8, 2021 / 5:58 am

    Pls do I have to add yeast to my buns

  10. Marvellous
    March 1, 2021 / 9:41 pm

    Good evening, how many minutes should I leave the buns after mixing.

  11. Akunna
    November 23, 2020 / 5:37 pm

    Thank you for this piece. Please, what if I want to add preservatives, what quantity do I use for 4 cups of flour?

    • November 24, 2020 / 12:57 pm

      Hi Akunna, I don’t use preservatives
      but most pastry preservatives come with
      instructions on how to use them.
      Plz check the label

  12. Akunna
    November 23, 2020 / 5:35 pm

    Good afternoon. Thank you

  13. Grace Akinnubi
    November 13, 2020 / 4:31 pm

    Can I make the dough over night before frying please?

    • November 18, 2020 / 8:27 pm

      Hi Grace it’s always best to fry it as in the recipe, but if you can’t,
      then you can store it covered in the mixing bowl and in the fridge.

  14. Mavis
    October 28, 2020 / 8:56 am

    Hello please, my buns always gets so brown but haven’t cooked inside. What’s the cause?

  15. Debra
    September 25, 2020 / 5:24 pm

    Thanks but can’t I bake instead of friying

      • Mavis
        October 28, 2020 / 8:58 am

        Please, how can I fry my Buns without burning it before it cooks inside?

        • October 28, 2020 / 3:39 pm

          Mavis, the oil shouldn’t be scorching hot when you drop your buns batter.
          And you fry it on medium to low heat, this way the inside cooks really good too.
          I also like to do an oil test with a small piece before frying .
          If the batter I dropped, turns brown instantly, then the oil is too hot for frying
          the buns. But if it forms (doesn’t scatter) and looks off-white, then it is right.

  16. Lawrenta Andrew
    August 5, 2020 / 6:43 pm

    Please I have 3 kg of flour for meat pie, please can you give me the recipe

  17. Prisca
    July 17, 2020 / 8:11 am

    Thank you for this post. Please is there any preservatives for buns making? Thank you. Look

    • July 27, 2020 / 6:53 am

      Hi Prisca , I do no use any preservatives
      for my Nigerian Buns, but you can ask at any store that sells
      baking items
      They will show you one or more preservatives used by
      bakeries and pastry shops.

      • 08134069196
        September 20, 2020 / 11:50 pm

        How long can one keep the mixing before fry

  18. Norah
    July 12, 2020 / 11:55 pm

    Hu, is it possible to use baking powder and yeast at the same time when making buns because someone gave me the recipe before i saw this one. Thanks


  19. Cee cee
    July 10, 2020 / 12:11 am

    My buns always burst open whenever I start frying it,what’s the cause dear ?

  20. Amuda Fatimo
    July 1, 2020 / 3:08 pm

    What can I add to make it hard

  21. Okonna Emelda
    June 3, 2020 / 5:06 pm

    Hi! Please I use painter for measuring my flour. How do I know the quantity of other ingredients. Thank u

    • June 4, 2020 / 3:45 pm

      Hi Emelda, you can use the peak evaporated milk tin
      to measure it out
      The tin weighs about 140 grams more or less
      I think the small derica could be half of it,
      trust you can make your estimates with that.

  22. Kenny
    May 16, 2020 / 9:11 pm

    What must one add to make it very hard?

  23. Esylove
    May 7, 2020 / 9:45 am

    Thanks for your good work. I tried making buns for sales on the street but it came out hard and didn’t float in the oil please where did I get it wrong?i

  24. April 17, 2020 / 1:34 pm

    Can I make buns without baking powder?

    • April 17, 2020 / 5:01 pm

      Hi Rasheedat,some people do but the buns will come out hard
      and kinda flat, so I recommend you use baking powder to get
      it right.

  25. February 19, 2020 / 12:36 pm


  26. Makasn
    November 2, 2019 / 6:51 am

    ma what of those buns on the street that rises so big and soft can it be made with yeast inside of baking powder

    • November 6, 2019 / 4:25 pm

      Hi Makasn,hope you are not confusing it with puff puff?
      Anyway, the classic or traditional recipe for Nigerian buns only calls baking powder. just like the recipe above.
      But a lot has changed over the years and today some bakers use yeast in place if baking powder
      (making it look more like hard puff puff/donuts;crispy outside and soft inside)-
      You can also get the same results with our buns recipe above, just make sure you add eggs(for soft airy buns) and cut out a larger chunk of dough when frying
      so that you get a larger buns.

  27. Rosemary Nwanochie
    January 13, 2019 / 10:43 am

    Hi, I am so enchanted with your recipes. I going to start with the buns. Thanks for what you are doing here. Keep it up.

    Rosemary, Abia state.

  28. Unknown
    October 8, 2018 / 4:16 pm

    thanks nky, God bless u

  29. Esther
    September 21, 2018 / 7:56 am

    Pls I don't know what wrong the shape is not forming but I didn't remembered to add salt

  30. peace
    August 18, 2018 / 7:39 am

    I would like to know if it's normal for the buns to open or have cracks?

  31. Folasayo Owolabi
    June 4, 2018 / 2:06 pm

    Thanks Nky… Pls how many grams will make 100 medium sized buns?

  32. Francesca
    April 29, 2018 / 1:45 pm

    Hello sister nky,God bless you real good you have answered all my questions thanks ma'am

      • Jackson
        September 8, 2021 / 11:49 pm

        Pls i need the correct measurements in making 50 balls of buns . Measurement not in grams pls but milk cup and table spoon plus what do i use to form the balls?

  33. Anonymous
    March 26, 2018 / 8:59 am

    wow my buns came out well God bless you

  34. Anonymous
    March 8, 2018 / 10:53 am

    Pls how many kg of flour & sugar will I use to make 200 pieces of buns.Thanks

  35. Emmy
    February 6, 2018 / 7:35 am

    thank you very muchyou really help mebut my buns didn't come out wellit came out scatteredwhat did I lack on it

    • Viktorious
      June 24, 2019 / 8:07 am

      From what I know, you probably added too
      much margarine or too much water when mixing. Else, it could be that the oil was too hot

      July 24, 2020 / 12:03 pm

      Please can I use milk flavor instead of milk

  36. lillian iruka
    January 19, 2018 / 9:05 pm

    thanks for this. please what amount of baking powder should i add to a 1kg of flour to make a soft buns for saling

    • Viktorious
      June 24, 2019 / 8:09 am

      Well, for baking powder, the only problem for too much of it is a bit aftertaste, so just add enough depending on the make of your powder, some brand are not really that good. So, you’re looking at maybe two to four teaspoon

    December 29, 2017 / 1:55 pm

    Thank you so much ma. I tried using your recipe some weeks back but I noticed the buns came out hard. Pls what could be the cause. Also, for the milk aspect, must I use liquid milk? Could it be its because I used powder milk that it came out hard? I like my buns being a bit soft just like the road side buns pls help on how to achieve that. God bless you for your good works. Kisses

    • November 1, 2018 / 6:44 pm

      If you make use of powdered milk, you have to dilute it with water before use.
      And again it could be because of too much flour or the oil was too hot.

  38. Anonymous
    November 6, 2017 / 2:54 pm

    Pls dear, the one I made is not crispy and crunchy like the one on the street. It got too hard in and out. What have I done wrong.

  39. Anonymous
    July 31, 2017 / 5:54 am

    I just made my buns for sales, how long can it stay without refrigerator before it goes bad

  40. Anonymous
    June 13, 2017 / 2:21 pm

    Thanks aunty Nk I just tried tastes yummy but couldnt achieve the round shape.y?

  41. Martina Nneji
    June 1, 2017 / 6:18 am

    Hi Nky nice work God bless u. U have really helped me out with ur recipe.

  42. Appollos
    May 21, 2017 / 11:05 am

    Wow! I just finished reading through the questions n answers on buns making. I ll try mine today. Pls send me ur fcbk name, so I can fllw u. Ur doing a good job.cheers [email protected]

    • Jacinta
      June 28, 2020 / 8:13 pm

      Thanks dear but my buns came out not sweet

  43. Nneamaka Okonkwo
    May 19, 2017 / 11:29 am

    Hi Nky, am really grateful to you for your teachings on this site. It's really helping me a lot. Please ma, can I add antiferment to my buns?it spoils easily the following day. Thanks

  44. Anonymous
    April 20, 2017 / 1:04 pm

    please can you prepare a tutorial on how to make bread buns that looks like donught.

    • Victor Adeloye
      January 7, 2021 / 8:49 pm

      Please do you now have the recipe for this. I noticed it was not answered here.

  45. Ibukun Babarinde
    March 31, 2017 / 3:13 pm

    Dear Nky, you are doing such a great job God bless you. I just tried the Nigerian buns using some additional ingredients to your recipe. So without any measurement I added self raising flour, sugar, butter, nutmeg, cinnamon powder, chilli powder, egg, and milk. It came out round, fluffy inside, tasty but not rocky though.Thanks

  46. Anele Eze
    March 16, 2017 / 2:34 pm

    Thanks for your contributions to human development. Please, what causes buns to soak more oil than necessary and how can one minimize oil consumption?Also, can buns be baked? Thanks.

  47. Anele Eze
    March 16, 2017 / 2:27 pm

    Please why does buns soak more oil than necessary?

  48. Nations Update
    February 24, 2017 / 6:27 pm

    Good evening Ms Nikky and thank you so much for enlighting me on this. I have a question, my question is: Is there a specific flour for making buns or just normal flour that is used for making bread?Thanks

  49. Princess imo
    February 15, 2017 / 12:41 pm

    I stumbled on this site,n am happy. Am jotting stuffs down to add to what I already knew…. Good work and God bless us all….

    • Adazion
      July 19, 2019 / 3:08 am

      Good morning your stuff here are so yummy and l will like to join you guys thanks

  50. Renee thehobotrain
    February 5, 2017 / 9:56 pm

    Hi Nky! I am looking for a recipe for buns like these but they had vegetables in them. Have you heard of this before? Can I just add some cooked vegetables to this batter? Thanks! <3

  51. Anonymous
    January 9, 2017 / 5:50 am

    Thanks for all you do dear. You are awesome.

  52. Iby
    December 16, 2016 / 11:44 am

    Thanks for this recipe. I saw recipe today and made it. Myself and guests are having a wonderful time snacking on them right now.

  53. Anonymous
    December 13, 2016 / 10:32 am

    Hello Nky, please what quantity of sugar will go for 1.5kg flour.Thank youDumdum

  54. Anonymous
    December 13, 2016 / 10:23 am

    Hello Nky,please i want to know the quantity of sugar if i want to use 1.5kg flour

  55. oyekunle bunmi
    October 14, 2016 / 4:03 pm

    Hi Nky, if I want to make use of cup to measure the all purpose flour, how will get the accurate measurement, I don't have scale to measure it and I intend to prepare 3cups of flour, how will get accurate measurement for other ingredients? Thanks and God bless you.

    • Nky Lily Lete
      November 21, 2016 / 11:19 pm

      Hi Bunmi, in this case you can make use of an empty regular peak milk tin. It weighs about 170 grams.

  56. Abebi
    October 12, 2016 / 4:10 pm

    I tried buns now and they came out perfect!!!!! Thanks!

    • Nky Lily Lete
      November 21, 2016 / 11:13 pm

      Thanks for your lovely feedback Abebi 🙂

  57. Kasy
    September 24, 2016 / 10:22 pm

    Hello Nky. My buns starts burning as soon as I add it to the oil making it hard for the inside to cook well or the outside to look appetizing. I made sure the oil was not too hard. However, I noticed my dough sinks and even when tilted, do not slightly float as they are supposed to. How can I avoid this?PS:I used all the ingredients you listed.

    • Nky Lily Lete
      November 21, 2016 / 11:13 pm

      Hi Kasy, the oil is too hot, next time do a heat test, by dropping a little of the buns dough into the oil and see how well it fries, before adding the rest.

  58. tolu ayoola
    April 10, 2016 / 4:08 pm

    Hi, Pls can I make buns without baking powder?

    • Nky Lily Lete
      October 23, 2016 / 8:36 pm

      Hi Tolu, you need baking powder to make it rise in the hot oil.

  59. CHI FRANCE80
    February 17, 2016 / 9:16 am

    Nice job love keep it up. I will try mine dis evening

    • Nky Lily Lete
      March 25, 2016 / 6:04 pm

      Ok Chi, expecting your feedback 🙂

  60. Jul
    February 15, 2016 / 10:24 am

    Tuvm for the good job. Pls what is the equivalent of 240g? I don't have kitchen scale. Peak milk liquid container is what gram..? And should it be full or level when measuring. Thank you and God bless you. I just prepared mine but use whole wheat. It didn't turn well. I guess the measurement was not accurate or the batter was thick. The inside was half cooked.

    • Nky Lily Lete
      March 25, 2016 / 6:02 pm

      Peak milk tin is 170g , and you should level it when measuring. And for the inside to cook well, you have to reduce the heat and let it fry for 20 minutes on medium heat.

  61. queen
    January 14, 2016 / 4:58 pm

    Enter your comment…I just made mine ooo sister is perfect. God bless you, my kids are excited.

    • Nky Lily Lete
      March 25, 2016 / 5:50 pm

      Glad to be of help dear Queen 🙂

  62. ChuckyXL
    November 30, 2015 / 7:37 pm

    Hello Nky, please how does one preserve buns? Fridge, freezer, or just store in a container at room temperature?

    • Nky Lily Lete
      December 30, 2015 / 9:05 am

      It will stay good in the fridge for up to 5 days and in freezer for 3 months.

  63. Mayor
    November 24, 2015 / 6:18 am

    Hello, the Government does not even teach for free. God bless you Greatly.

    • Nky Lily Lete
      November 24, 2015 / 10:48 am

      lol.. abi, thanks Mayor 🙂

  64. Skyyblue Emanuel
    November 20, 2015 / 10:29 pm

    Hi I'm Reigne I just needed to know how many people will this recipe feed because I have a large family to cook for like 40 people. Thanks soo much.

    • Nky Lily Lete
      November 23, 2015 / 11:02 am

      Hi dearie, this recipe will make about About 10 to 15 medium size Nigerian buns.

  65. Anonymous
    November 20, 2015 / 10:22 pm

    Hi I just needed to know how many people will this recipe feed? I just needed to know because I have a large family to cook for. Thanks so much

  66. Anonymous
    November 9, 2015 / 12:46 pm

    Hi.I don't know how to send pictures, wuld have sent d picture of my perfect buns. Tnks so much ma. From Amara.

    • Nky Lily Lete
      November 23, 2015 / 10:57 am

      Hi Amara, please send them to [email protected]. I can`t wait to see them 🙂

  67. Dezy
    November 9, 2015 / 12:39 pm

    I followed Ur instructions and mine came out perfect and sweet. Made 11, my husband ate 9 !!. Tnk u so much. Can't wait to try others.. Kisses.

    • Nky Lily Lete
      November 23, 2015 / 11:28 am

      lol… That's a lovely husband ..hahahaNext time let him make the buns , while you just balance well well and eat.Thanks for the lovely feedback hun 🙂

  68. Marvels Elizabeth
    October 25, 2015 / 5:32 pm

    Good evening sister Nky, may God bless you and your family, pls can I use powder milk with the buns and what will be the ml and the grames of water to mix it, thank you

    • Nky Lily Lete
      November 23, 2015 / 11:24 am

      Use about 3 tablespoons of powdered milk , add it to the flour and gently pour in water until you get a thick paste, like the one in the recipe.

  69. Marvels Elizabeth
    October 25, 2015 / 5:31 pm

    Good evening sister Nky, may God bless you and your family, pls can I use powder milk with the buns and what will be the ml and the grames of water to mix it, thank you

    • Nky Lily Lete
      November 23, 2015 / 11:21 am

      Use about 3 tablespoons of powdered milk , add it to the flour and gently pour in water until you get a thick paste, like the one in the recipe.

  70. Anonymous
    August 24, 2015 / 9:45 am

    Good job ma;pls keep it up,pls 150ml is equivalent to how many milk cup?.

  71. odion ekpudu
    July 25, 2015 / 10:52 pm

    Hello aunty, Goodevening. Thanks for all d recipies. God bless and inspire u more. Kisses

    • Nky Lily Lete
      August 7, 2015 / 1:59 am

      Thanks hun 🙂

  72. odion ekpudu
    July 25, 2015 / 10:51 pm

    Hello aunty, Goodevening. Thanks for all d recipies. God bless and inspire u more. Kisses

  73. Anonymous
    July 25, 2015 / 10:48 pm

    Hello aunty, Goodevening. Thanks for all d recipies. God bless and inspire u more. Kisses

  74. Daline
    June 8, 2015 / 11:27 am

    You are really trying for us, May God bless and empower you

    • Nky Lily Lete
      November 23, 2015 / 11:17 am


  75. Anonymous
    June 7, 2015 / 9:59 am

    I just tried it n it came out perfect. Just that it's flat not round. What cud b the reason. My kids cudnt wait for it to kool down bfor bouncin on it

    • Anu Funke
      July 28, 2015 / 3:19 am

      I guess ur oil for frying wasn't enough

  76. Anonymous
    April 29, 2015 / 2:00 pm

    Nky u are the best

    • Nky Lily Lete
      April 30, 2015 / 6:29 pm

      thanks hun 🙂

  77. Efficient Ignatius
    April 22, 2015 / 4:24 pm

    I love this woman called Nky 🙂 I wish I'm related to her. You don't know what you're doing for use. God bless you realllllllll good!

    • Nky Lily Lete
      April 25, 2015 / 12:54 pm

      God bless you too hun 🙂

  78. beauty
    April 20, 2015 / 5:11 am

    Pls.can I use self rising flour for buns? Thank You.

    • Nky Lily Lete
      April 22, 2015 / 10:30 am

      yes you can, just skip the baking powder.

  79. uche
    March 2, 2015 / 2:55 am

    Can I include nutmeg into this recipe? 🙂

    • Nky Lily Lete
      March 3, 2015 / 10:32 am

      yes you can add a big pinch of nutmeg if you like to.

  80. Anonymous
    February 13, 2015 / 10:35 pm

    Pls how many pieces of buns will 250g give

    • Nky Lily Lete
      February 23, 2015 / 7:32 pm

      About 10 + medium size.

  81. Anonymous
    February 9, 2015 / 6:37 am

    Hello how many calories will this be

  82. Jade Graham
    February 7, 2015 / 11:35 am

    it would come out like a cake etc Yet, this was awesome to see you try Persian food! Keep it coming Chef John! food recipes

  83. Anonymous
    February 1, 2015 / 4:45 pm

    Hi Aunty Nky, do I need to wisk the egg before mixing it with others?

    • Nky Lily Lete
      February 5, 2015 / 9:31 pm

      Hi dear, You can if you want to, but it is not necessary 🙂

  84. Anonymous
    January 2, 2015 / 9:49 pm

    hi Nky,I just mixed my batter for frying tomorrow,and I have a good feeling about it!will send in pics tomorrow after frying.meanwhile keep up the good job,am rooting for you!thanks for the recipe…

    • Nky Lily Lete
      January 3, 2015 / 1:47 pm

      Thanks for your lovely comment, I'll be expecting your pics 🙂

  85. Anonymous
    November 27, 2014 / 7:25 pm

    Hi Nky, great job you are doing on this site. I am actually a fan of your dishes and would like to know if you have a book on the recipies you have displayed in this site and how I can get one please: You can contact me on [email protected]…thanks

    • Nky Lily Lete
      December 1, 2014 / 9:54 am

      Thanks dear, the book is in progress and would be ready soon,pls be patient.

  86. Anonymous
    November 13, 2014 / 1:39 am

    Hi Nky, how much milk do I have to put in the recipe?

    • Nky Lily Lete
      November 13, 2014 / 2:11 pm

      About 150ml 🙂

  87. Anonymous
    November 5, 2014 / 8:03 am

    Hi Nky, love wat u r doing here. God bless u. My question is that my buns is always smooth on the outside after frying and I know it should be rough, secondly the inside of the buns is always soft not thick like the ones they sell on the streets. What is wrong with the batter? My hubby is always making jokes with my buns saying it tastes and looks like puffpuff lol. Though I always insist that it is buns even though at the back of my mind, I know it tastes n looks like puffpuff. Pls kindly shed some light on my dilemma. Thanks I appreciate ur reply. From Yinka

    • Nky Lily Lete
      November 5, 2014 / 9:22 am

      Hi Yinka, add extra 30grams flour to make the batter thicker and also omit the egg. The ones sold on the street does not have eggs, and they use water in place of milk.Try it out this time dearie and let me know how it turns out. Send us pics too 🙂

  88. Anonymous
    September 22, 2014 / 11:28 am

    Hello, can I do without baking powder ?

    • Nky Lily Lete
      September 23, 2014 / 9:32 am

      The baking powder makes the buns fluffy, but the street bakers usually skip it.

    • Anonymous
      September 24, 2014 / 8:42 am

      Thank you, I will go with baking powder then.I would like to ask, what snacks can be prepared without using egg please.

    • Nky Lily Lete
      September 25, 2014 / 9:47 am

      Ok dear, as for the snacks without eggs, you can try meatpie, puffpuff, shawarma, chin chin, samosa and more, check the snacks section of our website and you'll see a lot of them 🙂

  89. Anonymous
    September 18, 2014 / 8:51 pm

    I love this website, I beliv I'm gonna use it improve in my kitchen management. thanks a lot for all these.

    • Nky Lily Lete
      September 19, 2014 / 9:50 am

      You're welcome 🙂

  90. Baja Omoniyi
    September 15, 2014 / 5:32 pm

    Lovely, nice article

    • Nky Lily Lete
      September 18, 2014 / 2:54 pm

      thanks 🙂

  91. Anonymous
    August 31, 2014 / 2:55 am

    Pls aunty how many cigarette cups of flour will give me 1kg of flour and how many spoons of butter will give 100g

  92. Anonymous
    August 26, 2014 / 2:32 pm

    Pls ma, 5g of sugar equates hw many spoons?tnks ma u r doing a v gud job here.

    • Nky Lily Lete
      September 3, 2014 / 3:36 pm

      Hi dear, 1 teaspoon of sugar is almost 5grams.

  93. Anonymous
    August 26, 2014 / 12:53 am

    Thanks so much for this recipe. Just finished making my buns. I was a little scared they wouldn't come out good at first because my batter came out a little thin and watery. I may have added too much milk I think. But, the end product was exactly how it was supposed to come out. Thanks again!

    • Nky Lily Lete
      September 3, 2014 / 3:18 pm

      You're welcome .I'm glad you enjoyed it and all turned out fine,dearie.

  94. Anonymous
    August 19, 2014 / 3:18 pm

    Pls can i put banana flavour to make yellow

    • Nky Lily Lete
      August 22, 2014 / 9:05 am

      You can add any flavor you like dearie 🙂

  95. Anonymous
    August 17, 2014 / 3:56 pm

    Pls can fry d buns without milk and egg, z it possible to use only sugar and salt

    • Nky Lily Lete
      August 18, 2014 / 1:56 pm

      Yes you can make the buns with only sugar , salt and flour, that's how the street bakers do it. Simply use water in place of the milk in the recipe above.Just be aware that the buns will be a a bit hard.Adding Baking powder and the other extra ingredients will yield a softer fluffier Nigerian buns.

  96. Anonymous
    August 12, 2014 / 6:10 am

    Tnx Aunty NKY,my buns came out tasty bt it didn't rise & the body wasn't smooth. What could have caused it?

    • Nky Lily Lete
      August 15, 2014 / 10:30 am

      Hi dear, Buns is not always smooth, it's puff puff that has a smooth texture.

  97. Anonymous
    August 5, 2014 / 4:14 pm

    Can I add vanilla sugar and food colour?.

    • Nky Lily Lete
      August 9, 2014 / 8:07 am

      You can add vanilla sugar, but I don't know how food coloring will react when you fry the buns.

  98. Anonymous
    August 5, 2014 / 9:22 am

    I have prepared my buns thanks!

    • Nky Lily Lete
      August 9, 2014 / 8:05 am

      you're welcome 🙂

  99. Anonymous
    July 22, 2014 / 2:14 pm

    Nice job, keep it up.

    • Nky Lily Lete
      August 5, 2014 / 2:59 pm

      Thanks hun 🙂

  100. Anonymous
    July 13, 2014 / 7:37 pm

    Pls is it good to mix ur dough in the night and fry the bons in the morning ?

    • Nky Lily Lete
      August 5, 2014 / 2:59 pm

      It's okay to do that, but keep in the fridge and the next morning, leave it to return to room temperature before you fry, so that it does not reduce the temperature of your oil and you end up with oil soaked buns.

    • Anonymous
      July 1, 2016 / 6:02 am

      Can I make dough nut without with baking powder instead of yeast

  101. Anonymous
    May 31, 2014 / 10:25 am

    I jez tried it and it came out perfect. Thnx lily

    • Nky Lily Lete
      May 31, 2014 / 5:55 pm

      you're welcome hun 🙂

  102. Anonymous
    May 23, 2014 / 12:33 pm

    Wow I just tried it and it came out right, I just wish I could send you one right now. Thank you so very much.

    • Nky Lily Lete
      May 26, 2014 / 8:43 am

      Aww thanks dearie, I'm glad you enjoyed it, don't worry Hun, a picture of the buns is all I need 🙂

  103. Anonymous
    May 22, 2014 / 11:18 am

    I love your website! Thanks for taking out time to provide information for healthy family meals. As a working class mom – can I prepare the buns mixture a next before, refrigerate and fry in the morning?

    • Nky Lily Lete
      May 26, 2014 / 8:41 am

      Thanks dear, you can prepare it overnight, but let it rest at room temperature for 30 minutes before storing in the fridge. Once it is out of the fridge, let it go back to room temperature before frying, so that it doesn't reduce the temperature of your oil.

  104. Anonymous
    May 4, 2014 / 9:37 am

    Thanks alot it rili helped me

    • Nky Lily Lete
      May 13, 2014 / 9:18 am

      You're welcome .

  105. Nosiru Bukola
    May 1, 2014 / 9:22 am

    ◦†нªηкs◦° so much Fø̲̣̣я̅ d recipe

    • Nky Lily Lete
      May 1, 2014 / 12:35 pm

      You're welcome .

  106. Nosiru Bukola
    May 1, 2014 / 9:20 am

    This ไϛ really nice, keep it up and ◦†нªηкs◦° so much cos ม really help me.

    • Nky Lily Lete
      May 1, 2014 / 12:34 pm

      Thanks Nosiru, glad to be of help 🙂

  107. Anonymous
    April 30, 2014 / 9:59 am

    thanks good job.

    • Nky Lily Lete
      May 1, 2014 / 12:34 pm

      You're welcome 🙂

  108. Anonymous
    April 30, 2014 / 9:58 am

    thank u good job.

  109. Anonymous
    April 29, 2014 / 6:09 am

    Nice work Lily, can yu tell us hw to make Pitto drink?

    • Nky Lily Lete
      April 29, 2014 / 8:39 am

      Thanks dear. I will have it up as soon as I get the recipe 🙂

  110. Anonymous
    April 13, 2014 / 4:13 pm

    My buns will be ready in a bit!! I will updat d whole house later

    • Nky Lily Lete
      April 13, 2014 / 8:33 pm

      I'll be expecting your updates dear 🙂

  111. sweet_angel
    March 7, 2014 / 6:07 am

    Hi, this is a good job you're doing.I always thought butter was part of buns recipe like chin-chin.I am skeptical about trying it without butter. Then if its ok, I guess chin-chin can also do without butter. That would be great because it would have less calories. Kindly reply, and reassure me this recipe won't yield a "hard-rock" buns

  112. Anonymous
    February 15, 2014 / 8:49 pm

    pls will it be good if i yeast bcos there is no yeast mentioned.?

    • Nky Lily Lete
      February 16, 2014 / 10:55 am

      You don't need yeast for Nigerian Buns dear.

  113. Anonymous
    January 20, 2014 / 4:38 pm

    Pls, will it still taste nice if I use water instead of milk?

    • Nky Lily Lete
      February 16, 2014 / 10:52 am

      yes dear,It will still taste nice 🙂

  114. Anonymous
    January 20, 2014 / 4:35 pm

    Pls, if I use water instead of milk wat will be the difference?

    • Nky Lily Lete
      January 21, 2014 / 3:56 pm

      Milk makes it richer , you can use water if you like.

  115. senthilkumar k
    December 29, 2013 / 2:02 am

    Egg is essential?

    • Nky Lily Lete
      December 29, 2013 / 12:18 pm

      No, egg is optional .

  116. Anonymous
    November 17, 2013 / 5:05 pm

    Pls my measurement cups come in ML,hw do I convert it to GM ds aspect is always confusing.250ml is equal to wat in gram?

    • Nky Lily Lete
      November 25, 2013 / 10:15 am

      Hi dear, 250 ml is almost the same thing as 250 grams, but may vary just a little depending on what you are measuring.

  117. josephine
    November 17, 2013 / 4:42 pm

    Is butter needed

  118. Anonymous
    November 15, 2013 / 7:29 pm

    Can you bake them in the oven instead of frying?

    • Nky Lily Lete
      November 16, 2013 / 2:14 pm

      No dear, the original recipe calls for frying.

    • Anonymous
      February 14, 2015 / 7:46 pm

      Hi pls can i make buns or puff puff with cake flour

    • Nky Lily Lete
      February 23, 2015 / 7:48 pm

      yes you can also use cake flour.